The loneliest day of my life

Описание к видео The loneliest day of my life

As I was writing about this story I was thinking of questions like:
Why do I feel lonely?
How can I overcome loneliness?

Which is... what brought me to this story.

Jordan Peterson has a quote, simple, 'Nothing can prepare you for loneliness."

I like that because it's true, you're in a period of loneliness in your life, and when you're outside of that state it's impossible to imagine it and prepare for it. There's nothing like it.

This is a story when I was in a place that was unlike any other place I'd been before it. It put me into a confusion and I was overwhelmed with misery but the worst part is that I didn't know why. When I step outside of it, look back in retrospect it's obvious, but at the time I was lost in darkness.

It was loneliness at the time of this story but I wonder what it is now? We're imperfect, I'm imperfect, and we feel bad as a consequence. We aren't all we could be and that affects everything... literally everything. Now I bet there are glaring problems in front of me right now, that I don't even see that are currently affecting me in this way.

We have to find the problems, understand them, and let go.


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