What is the desirable range for Vitamin B12?

Описание к видео What is the desirable range for Vitamin B12?

The desirable range that OmegaQuant has set for urinary MMA is 2.0 millimole per mole. And so, being below that level really indicates that your system is healthy and functioning well and you have enough B12. Then the other number that we look at is 3.6 millimole per mole. And when you're above 3.6 millimole per mole, typically that means you have a high level of MMA. And so, that means you have a low B12 functionality in your body. So, being above 3.6 then, that's where we would recommend that you go to your health care provider and ask about B12. There are lots of different tests for B12 and different tests for these cycles that I've talked about. And so, they may go through a whole different range of testing after you find out that your urinary MMA is elevated. So, this is a screening tool to help us understand what's going on in the body but you might need more testing as well.


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