Mao's It Goin? (A Maoism Debate)

Описание к видео Mao's It Goin? (A Maoism Debate)

In this Majority Report clip, more of a discussion than a debate, but debate sounded better in the title. Enjoy!

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"The guerrilla insurgents who've been fighting the Nepalese government since 1996 are usually referred to as Maoists. How does Maoism differ from garden-variety communism?

Maoism has a more rural bent than the ideologies espoused by Marx and Lenin. Marxism-Leninism, as the Soviet version of communism is often called, held that urban workers should form the revolutionary vanguard. Mao Zedong, on the other hand, believed that Communist revolutions should gestate among the rural peasantry, who would later join with their proletariat comrades in the cities to form classless paradises. Indeed, the bulk of Mao's rebel force was drawn from China's hinterlands, where the vast majority of the population lived in abject poverty similar to that of modern-day Nepal."*

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