Grenada 🇬🇩 Turns 50 | Vieux Corps Traditional Mas in St. Mark | One One Cocoa |

Описание к видео Grenada 🇬🇩 Turns 50 | Vieux Corps Traditional Mas in St. Mark | One One Cocoa |

On February 7th 2024, Grenada turned 50 as an independent nation. The first set of activities began in the parish of St. Mark, Grenada. The independence committee in St. Mark ushered in the day’s celebrations with masanto lit streets, a skit and dance from the St. Mark Secondary School, the hoisting of the national flag, drummers, and the famed traditional mas Vieux Corps.

St. Mark can be considered Vieux parish. On that morning, there were five bands masquerading. Make sure to watch the video for a glimpse of the sights and sounds. The smell of the Vieux Corps can only be experienced in person. Oh did I say, there was also fire works and a visit by Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell.

As the 50th anniversary theme song says, ‘more to come’, as the events in St. Mark were a prelude of things to come later that evening at the Grenada National Stadium.

#grenada #explore #independence


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