Pondering Young Blood For Brain Rejuvenation with Tony Wyss-Coray

Описание к видео Pondering Young Blood For Brain Rejuvenation with Tony Wyss-Coray

In 2011 and 2014 Tony Wyss-Coray and his lab members published high-profile papers in which they used a procedure called parabiosis and blood transfusions to show that blood plasma from young animals can rejuvenate the brains of old mice and vice-versa. Moreover, they found that young plasma restores cognitive function in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Since then many other labs have confirmed this remarkable phenomena and Wyss-Coray and others have been working to identify the ‘rejuvenating factor’ or factors in young plasma. A recent preliminary clinical trial in which patients with Alzheimer’s were infused with plasma from young people generated promising results. Here I talk with Tony about this exciting area of research.


Professor Wyss-Coray lab page:

Key publications:





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