MY VAG:NA HAS DARK PATCHES - Seema Anand StoryTelling

Описание к видео MY VAG:NA HAS DARK PATCHES - Seema Anand StoryTelling

One of the changes that happen to us over time is pigmentation. We may begin life with pink genitalia but as we get older our genitals and the surrounding areas like the upper inner thighs will get dark patches.

And although the discolouration can sometimes come from underlying medical issues, such as eczema or psoriasis, generally it is just a part of the natural bodily changes.
The “pink genitals” (and the attendant procedures like bleaching, scraping and surgery) trend began with directors of porn who wanted everything to look “more youthful and less pigmented” because it was what sold more films. And so, to begin with it was only the people who worked in the industry, people whose incomes depended on a particular “look” who would get these procedures done.
Unfortunately now, with a porn obsessed audience, this seems to have become yet another thing with which to body shame women.
Although these procedures are very common it is important to understand that the side effects and potential complications can include things like infection, altered sensation, dyspareunia and sometimes even more patches and scarring.

Vaginal lip darkening is NATURAL. Don’t mess about with yourself down there.

As I have mentioned in the video the simplest and most effective exercise to break this fear of “ugliness” is to, deliberately and consciously, just look at yourself down there. Let your eyes get used to your own body so that it stops being a matter of shock.
Loving yourself can only come from you so I really hope you will do this. Because self hatred is an awful thing to live with.
P.S. I really wish someone would give sex ed classes to moms too.


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