Robsten | Just Hold My Hand

Описание к видео Robsten | Just Hold My Hand

0:01 : interviewer asks Rob about Kristen's birth date and he forgets,
0:03 : Rob says he has a terrible memory and he can't remember anything
0:06 : "Also, Rob is really good with them (babies) everytime they started crying-I was worried about the baby and he would go to the corner and just...shake it to sleep'"
0:13 : Kristen says she didn't go crazy during the "baby-making scene" Rob responds with "yes you DO!"
1:15 : interviewer asks Rob about Kristen "she looks good tonight, right?" Rob responds with "She looks great!"
1:17 : The interviewer asks Rob "can we just say that's your girl now? can we just say 'hey they're together that's his girl', can we say that?" Rob laughs and says "That's so ridiculous!"

I've been noticing a lot of "Robsten hand-holding" and decided to make a video about it.
all those looks and touches from the premiers,make my heart melt!
And all those teasing adorable moments on Ellen!! AHHHHH!


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