@타임랩스,경복궁,서울스퀘어(미디어파사드) It is a theme to show the media facade LED work of time-lapse video in Seoul

Описание к видео @타임랩스,경복궁,서울스퀘어(미디어파사드) It is a theme to show the media facade LED work of time-lapse video in Seoul

@타임랩스 경복궁풍경과 서울스퀘어의 (미디어파사드)
@It is a theme to show the media facade LED work of Seoul Square time-lapse video of Gyeongbok Palace in Seoul ★구독과 좋아요는 사랑입니다 ★Subscriptions and likes

#타임랩스영상 #경복궁 #미디어파사드


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