1 Defence Pure Bandos Method

Описание к видео 1 Defence Pure Bandos Method

DELAY THE FIRST HIT BY 1 TICK! the flinch timing allows you to pray against all minion hits during setup. (timing with shadow is probably different)
if the minions spawn the same tick as general graardor you have to flick 1 cycle of minions before leaving the start tile, you leave on the same timing on the second cycle. this is extremely uncommon it hasn't happened to me in ~200 kills.
in every other situation you flick range-mage-melee- click cannon on consecutive ticks whenever the range minion spawns. almost all kills start with max minion delay of 6 ticks.
numbered tiles are for entrance kill (don't quite match the tiles in the video but just shoot on those tiles in that order) black tiles are for 6:0 if you mess up and lose cycle. dark red tile is for melee flick, dark blue is for mage flick.


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