Thy Kingdom Come

Описание к видео Thy Kingdom Come

Sharing a prayer poem - Thy Kingdom Come. Sending love.

Thy Kingdom Come

Please come to us now,
Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
Come with your love.
Come with your sword.
And let evil will be no more.

May Your light return.
Come gentle, come stern.
May all evil burn
away from the face of the Earth.
For You, Lord, we yearn.

Glory to Your Holy name.
Glory to the Power of Your hand.
May You touch the heart of every man.
Please forgive us what we have done.
Oh Lord, please come.

Please Lord, please come.
to planet Earth, our home.
Please let Your Kingdom come.
Where Thy will be done.
And Your children will come together as One.

Father in Heaven.
Soon the sound of trumpet number seven.
When Thy Kingdom come,
the place where all evil be gone.
And God’s children will live in peace under the Sun.

Author: Anne-Lene Bleken


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