簡易日式咖哩磚雞飯 Simple Japanese Curry Sauce Chicken Rice **字幕CC .Eng. Sub**

Описание к видео 簡易日式咖哩磚雞飯 Simple Japanese Curry Sauce Chicken Rice **字幕CC .Eng. Sub**

雞肉 300 克
♦日式咖哩磚 1/2 盒
薯仔(馬鈴薯) 400 克
洋蔥 1 個
紅蔥頭 1 個
蒜頭 2 粒
澱粉 1 茶匙
油 適量

1️⃣ 雞肉洗淨切成塊,用薑汁、胡椒粉、鹽、紹興酒、澱粉、少許油醃制15分鐘。
2️⃣ 熱油鍋,將雞肉煎至微黃色,加入切碎的紅蔥頭和蒜頭爆炒,盛出備用。
3️⃣ 洋蔥切丁,炒至微黃盛出備用。
4️⃣ 馬鈴薯切塊,煎至微黃(也可以炸至微黃),加入適量熱水煮約10分鐘,加入煎好的雞肉和咖哩磚,煮4分鐘。
5️⃣ 加入炒好的洋蔥煮1分鐘即可上碟。


Chicken meat - 300g
Japanese curry roux - 1/2 box
Potatoes - 400g
Onion - 1
Shallot - 1
Garlic - 2 cloves
Ginger juice, white pepper powder, salt, Shaoxing wine - as needed
Cornstarch - 1 teaspoon
Oil - as needed

1️⃣ Wash the chicken and cut it into chunks. Marinate with ginger juice, white pepper powder, salt, Shaoxing wine, cornstarch, and a little oil for 15 minutes.
2️⃣ Heat oil in a pan, fry the chicken until slightly golden, add minced shallot and garlic and stir-fry. Set aside.
3️⃣ Dice the onion and stir fry until slightly golden. Set aside.
4️⃣ Cut the potatoes into pieces and pan-fry until slightly golden (or deep-fry until slightly golden). Add appropriate amount of hot water and cook for about 10 minutes. Add the fried chicken and curry roux and cook for 4 minutes.
5️⃣ Add the fried onion and cook for 1 minute. Serve.

📌Note:♦ Japanese curry cube is a cube containing curry powder, potatoes, and other seasonings. It can be purchased at Japanese or Asian supermarkets.

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