Chicken Coop Compost- How we let our chickens do the work!

Описание к видео Chicken Coop Compost- How we let our chickens do the work!

Brent talks more about composting.
This is beneficial in 2 ways.
First- while this method of composting takes considerably more time, it's very easy. All we do is dump the wood chips in the coop run and the chickens pretty much do the rest. Once a year or so we scrape out the run and add it to the garden or store it with the other compost, then we start the process over again.
Second- The chickens love it, this gives them something to do through out the day. Chickens naturally like to scratch the ground so this keeps them very occupied and reduces the aggravation and fighting amongst the flock.

If you have any questions please let us know.


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