ZX Spectrum Manic Miner Rewrite in Scratch - Kong Beast

Описание к видео ZX Spectrum Manic Miner Rewrite in Scratch - Kong Beast

Was lucky enough to grab more time for this little project this weekend. I wanted to work on the Kong Beast level which has quite a few differences from "other" levels - although there are two Kong levels.
The first noticeable thing is the two switches. The one on the left causes two bricks in the wall above the conveyor belt to disappear and the guardian to extend his coverage over the new area. The second switch causes the floor beneath Kong to disappear and for Kong to fall to his death while adding to the score on his merry way. You also have to flip that second switch and kill Kong before you are allowed to exit the cavern so you can't be a pacifist. The hardest part is probably the fact you can get killed rather quickly when the level starts. Other than that you have to be mindful of the tricky conveyor belt pulling you towards the barrel and the long jump on the right side which you have to pull off just before the speedy little barrel gets you.
Rather than keep the switch functionality the same as the original game, the code also supports targeting any horizontal/vertical line on floors, walls or conveyor belt blocks. One idea is it might be useful to flip the direction of the conveyor belt on other custom levels that I might add later.


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