Desk of Ladyada - seesaw sample Sunday!

Описание к видео Desk of Ladyada - seesaw sample Sunday!

This weekend we're looking at a whole mess-load of 'seesaw' samples - these are boards that use a helper chip to perform I2C communication to hardware. for example, I2C to rotary encoder ( over the last few years we've had a lot of difficulty getting the SAMD09 we used in original seesaw designs. in an earlier The Great Search we found a good alternative ( the attiny8xy series. We released a few dev boards with this chip family ( and even a couple boards like the arcade seesaw board ( but we're finally getting around to a batch we designed over the last few years. lets check out some of the designs we're going through now!

The Great Search - Illuminated Push-On Push-Off Panel Mount Switch

From our mailbag, a request from a viewer! "Hey, I recently had a terrible time on digikey finding a push-on push-off switch... I think because I was not understanding their "switch function" filter... Would love a video about it sometime!" A great question for a great search, lets take a look at a panel mount switch with Push-On Push-Off capability. There's a lot of tricky search elements to select, since Digi-Key stocks soooo many of these!

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