Outriders Fastest Legendary Farm | Fast Farm All Legendary Weapons | Armor and Mods | Endgame Glitch

Описание к видео Outriders Fastest Legendary Farm | Fast Farm All Legendary Weapons | Armor and Mods | Endgame Glitch

Hey Fice Fam! Today we are doing an Outriders Guide and it is the Fastest way to farm legendary gear! You can get all the legendary armor, weapons and mods in a matter of mods doing this technique/glitch. This technique requires a person or 2 who can carry you through expeditions while you are low level so you can get pod resources. If you at low level get carried at T15 you still get between 40k-60k pod resource points but the cool thing about this is that if you are low level and not level 30 when you talk to Tiago the purchasing of legendary/elite gear is REALLY cheap like its not even 1 percent of what it cost at level 30. So as long as you are level 29 and below you can use this exploit to get a lot of points be sure to leave a like comment subscribe and let me know what you want to see next! until next time PEACE! #outridersglitch #outridersfastestlegendaryfarm #outridersguide

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