Umle - Party E-Joburg

Описание к видео Umle - Party E-Joburg

A couple of years ago, the musical duo wrote a track on travelling to the “city of gold”…

In what they used to term, the last point of call for artists, as Johannesburg has been the place where all dreams get fulfilled, or crashed.

All this is in the streets of Kwadwesi, Port Elizabeth. “Hayi Jozi, ungamki nobomi bam ndiyakucela please…lento ba inophela nobomi bam, iyavela phi” (Please don’t take my life, Jozi please, should this “talent” leave me, what would be left).

This plea was to always remain humble, regardless where success takes you…the seen and unseen corruption from people who have made it in Johannesburg, preachers wearing shades, carrying car keys, yet drinking.
“Benxibe iPhizolo, bephethe i-stixo ne-Glass”. This Highlight the great image that has to be maintained, and the culture of doing whatever to get through.

The prophecy of a great trek from the Eastern Cape to Jozi, has seen many lose themselves, as the band was heading to Johannesburg for the first time in their lives...

Yi-Party, yi-Party e-Joburg
Yi-Party, yi-Party e-Joburg
Akho intlalo intle
Yabona jonga nase-maphepheni

Yi-Party, yi-Party e-Joburg
Yi-Party, yi-Party e-Joburg
nantso intlalo intle
Siyabona jonga nase-maphepheni

Ndithi, hayi Jozi…
Ungamki nobomi Bam ndiyakucela please…
Lento bi…binophela emehlweni-wam,
Iyovela phi…

Ndithi, yhu kusasa ndi…yhu kusasa ndi…
Ndibona ndiyokhwela,
Ndiphethe impahla

….Benxibe iPhizolo, bephethe istixo ne-Glass…

Siyababona aba-Tsotsi e-Joburg…

i-MD zivaya nge-M3

….zinxibe iPhizolo, bephethe istixo ne-Glass…

Abafundisi Bebandla...



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