Redesigning the Toddler Room

Описание к видео Redesigning the Toddler Room

Classroom arrangement has a significant impact on the learning environment of a classroom. In this video, toddler teacher Amie Theriault discusses her decision to rearrange her classroom. She reflects on how creating a new music center and defining individual centers with the help of furniture has had a positive impact on classroom behavior, and gives advice to teachers who are thinking of redesigning their own classroom spaces.

Planning the Redesign (0:37)
Block Area (1:13)
Music Area (1:44)
Writing Center (2:28)
Math and Science Centers (3:14)
Reflections (4:29)

Copyright 2015 by the Center for Early Childhood Education at Eastern Connecticut State University. This video may only be used for educational purposes. It may not be used for commercial purposes and may not be edited or adapted without written permission from the Center for Early Childhood Education. For more information, visit


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