Terrorismo Lírico | Poetas Vivos | TEDxUnisinos

Описание к видео Terrorismo Lírico | Poetas Vivos | TEDxUnisinos

PT BR - Iniciativa cultural de jovens pretos e periféricos que busca fomentar a arte, a educação das relações étnico-raciais e a inclusão social. O coletivo, formado por Felipe Deds, Mariana Marmontel, DaNova, DJ Ericão e Maicon PNA - desenvolve oficinas, palestras, shows musicais, SLAM (batalhas de poesia) e freestyle. EN - Cultural initiative of outlying communities’ black and young people, aiming to foster art, education of ethical-racial relations and social inclusion. The collective, formed by Felipe Deds, Mariana Marmontel, DaNova, DJ Ericão and Maicon PNA, develops workshops, talks, musical concerts and SLAM and freestyle poetry events. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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