Guns for Hire- Afghanistan

Описание к видео Guns for Hire- Afghanistan

GUNS FOR HIRE -- AFGHANISTAN is a highly topical 46 min. documentary about the secretive world of private military companies.

One of the highlights of GUNS FOR HIRE -- AFGHANISTAN is a unique interview in Kabul's Polecharki jail with the infamous American prisoner Jack Idema -- an ex Marine Special Forces soldier who turned rogue. Jack was hunting for Bin Ladin in the hope of winning the 2 million dollars U.S. award offered for Bin Laden's head by the Bush Administration. Eventually, Afghan authorities arrested Idema on charges of kidnapping people and interrogating them in a private prison.
Date: November 2005
Location: Afghanistan
Distributor: Sky One (15 May 2006) -- 46 min.
Credits: directed and filmed by Claudio von Planta
Reporter and Producer -- Sam Kiley / Co-Director and Producer - Jim Foster
Editor -- Olivia Baldwin / Production Company -- Carbon HQ


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