Falun Gong: The Cult At War With China

Описание к видео Falun Gong: The Cult At War With China

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Billboards claiming to be Number 1 Trusted News. Ads offering a glimpse of China before Communism. Unsolicited newspapers showing up at people’s doors from Los Angeles to London. People holding banners with photos of organ harvesting in public squares across the world. A secretive compound in upstate New York. All of these link back to one man, Li Hongzhi, the living God of a religion he founded in the 90s, Falun Gong. What began as a form of meditation evolved into a sprawling, global propaganda network—one that attacks China, LGBTQ people, immigrants, and modern medicine, and believes Donald Trump is a killer angel sent to vanquish the demonic forces bringing the apocalypse.

This is the story of how a man who claimed to be God built a misinformation empire—and made millions off fear and faith.

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Music by Epidemic Sound: https://epidemicsound.com/creator

Video/Images provided by Getty Images and Archive.org and Reuters

Maps provided by maptiler/Geolayers


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