How to Use Apivar® to Control Varroa Mites

Описание к видео How to Use Apivar® to Control Varroa Mites

This video shows when and how to use Apivar for varroa mite control. Apivar can be a useful tool for reducing varroa mite populations within an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach. Repeated use may hasten mite resistance. The active ingredient in Apivar is the miticide Amitraz. Always resample after treatment to confirm that the treatment worked.

This is the fourth in a series of short videos from the Honey Bee Health Coalition on how to manage varroa mites successfully.

Why should you effectively manage varroa mites in your honey bee colonies? Every honey bee colony in North America either has varroa mites or will in just a few months. When colonies are not treated, or are treated ineffectively, they weaken and may be more susceptible to other negative factors, such as pesticide damage, virus infections, and other maladies. Failure to control mites endangers not only your colonies but also colonies in other apiaries and feral honey bees in your area. Widespread colony deaths can cause major economic damage for beekeepers and harm essential agricultural pollination services.

Whether you have a few colonies or you manage large apiaries, these videos show practical steps you can use to better control varroa mites.

The Honey Bee Health Coalition:
More varroa resources:


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