How to Pass your NCLEX and CPNRE/REXPN

Описание к видео How to Pass your NCLEX and CPNRE/REXPN

Hey Nursing Gang! This video tells you how to pass your NCLEX and CPNRE- now REX-PN! I give you tips on reading the question and ensuring you understand what it is asking you!
ALSO! Welcome to my channel!

This channel is all about nursing and how to pass school! I am currently an RPN/LPN and am returning to school for my BSN-RN. I am excited to bring you all with me on this journey!
So don't forget to hit that subscribe button and the post notification bell so you are notified every time I post a video! Join the family and let's make this school thing happen!

INSTAGRAM:   / nurseliisha_b  
My natural hair channel:    / @alisia.b  

0:00 INTRO
0:55 TIP 1
2:00 TIP 2
2:27 TIP 3
2:53 TIP 4
3:39 TIP 5
5:00 TIP 6
5:46 TIP 7
6:00 TIP 8
6:41 TIP 9
15:43 OUTRO

#nursingtips #nursingquiz #passnursingschool #nursing #nursingtipsandtricks
Remember, with Christ EVERYTHING is possible!


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