Tips for Blowing Your Nose While Wearing a Mustache - Beardbrand

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Tips for Blowing Your Nose While Wearing a Mustache - Beardbrand

One aspect of wearing a mustache that bothers people is blowing your nose while sporting one.

A mustache can work wonders! Up until they're covered in snot, they're strong, manly, and symbolic of virality. See, for snot rockets, that mustache is practically a ShamWow. Indeed, it is repulsive. We don't need this information. Furthermore, as far as mustachioed men are aware, blowing their noses has proven problematic due to mucus production.

Is hope still possible? Not at all likely.

Nevertheless, we have 5 suggestions to help you keep your mustache less mucousy as flu season draws near.


Blowing your nose has no redeeming qualities. Alright, it's not much higher than just opening your nose and letting the water run out. Still, no one has ever blown a nose and received a standing ovation. Put a mustache on the combination now. Yes, an ugly situation is going to turn even more ugly.

Do yourself and everyone a favor and get some privacy if you must blow your nose. Find a private spot, such as a brush closet or restroom. Because of this, there's a good likelihood that your mustache took the majority of the boogers if you peel that tissue away. Nobody has to witness that. Go find a corner or turn over in bed till you find yourself again, at the very least. To put it simply, try not to let anyone see you at all.


Are tissues very handy? Yes.

Do the tissues of your nose feel higher? Most likely, especially if you obtain the high-quality ones that have aloe vera on them.

So why in the world would we advise blowing your nose with a handkerchief?

First of all, there's a good probability that you will wind up with some unpleasant stuff in your mustache no matter how skilled you are at cleaning out your sneeze area. When wiping away snot, tissues leave behind a little amount of residue that could become caught in between the hairs. Instead of managing poop, you're dealing with poop and tiny bits of white tissue.

Acquire enough bandanas to last a week and always keep a fresh one on you. It didn't really teach you how to perform all that much. But even in the unlikely event that you don't find any privacy, it can look good, kind of.

Now, let's talk about how to actually avoid getting your mustache smudged when you blow your nose.

It all comes down to returning to the fundamentals when it comes to effectively blowing your nose when sporting a mustache. Make use of the whole handkerchief or tissue. Don't be slack and utilize just a fraction of it. Place that item over your mustache as though it were a protective tarp. It's predicted to rain, nasty rain, and you're the grounds worker at Yankee Stadium.

Then try to close off each nostril and exhale individually. Concentrate. Pay close attention to what you're doing. You have a very narrow margin of error. Your mustache might give the impression that you've been eating pea soup and are severely weak in mouth function with only one diversion.

It's as simple as that!

Is it easy? No. Wishing you luck.

We promise to be ruthlessly reliable. It's very likely that you will fail. There is a 93% chance that you will end up with a gunky mustache even if you follow all of the previously mentioned advice. It's favorable. You just pull out your dependable Pocket Comb, tidy up, and look at it again later.

Remember that the following constitutes outstanding.

If you've read thus far, you should be aware that blowing your nose while sporting a mustache is an inappropriate trigger. Give the filthy factor a thorough wash, please, for the sake of all of us.

For a healthy wash at the end of the day, use a Beardbrand Utility Bar or Beardbrand Utility Wash on your mustache. It is certainly the most that you can do, as well as the least that you can do.

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