Elaine Watkins Breast Cancer Story

Описание к видео Elaine Watkins Breast Cancer Story

Elaine 'Ellie' Watkins shares her Breast Cancer story that started with a mammogram $75 voucher that Piedmont Mountainside Hospital offered in October. (Mammograms will be covered 100% as a preventive service as mandated under the Affordable Care Act. ) Her insurance wouldn't cover the treatment for her breast cancer and the Pickens County Health Department made her aware of Women's Health Medicaid(http://dfcs.dhs.georgia.gov/women's-h..., a program that pays for cancer treatments for women who have been diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer and cannot afford to pay for treatment. Ellie decided to go ahead and cut off her hair before her treatment began and gave it to Locks of Love. Her husband and two children also cut their hair to show their support.


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