Classic Tinolang Manok | Chicken Tinola Recipe | Panlasang Pinoy

Описание к видео Classic Tinolang Manok | Chicken Tinola Recipe | Panlasang Pinoy

Classic Tinolang Manok is a healthy Filipino chicken soup dish with vegetables. This dish has a clear broth and includes moringa (malunggay), chayote, green papaya, hot pepper leaves, and ginger as part of the ingredients.

Tinolang Manok is also known as chicken tinola. It is one authentic Filipino dish that is eaten with rice.

Chicken Tinola Ingredients:

2 lbs. chicken cut into serving pieces
1 cup malunggay leaves
1 cup hot pepper leaves
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 piece chayote or small unripe papaya wedged
6 cups water
1 Knorr chicken cube
1 medium yellow onion sliced
4 cloves garlic crushed and chopped
3 thumbs ginger julienne
2 tablespoons fish sauce patis
3 tablespoons vegetable oil

You can view the details of this recipe here


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