Make Her Wet - Instant Yoni Magic for Arousal | Meditation for Female Sexual Excitement | Girl Charm

Описание к видео Make Her Wet - Instant Yoni Magic for Arousal | Meditation for Female Sexual Excitement | Girl Charm

Do you have a crush you want to seduce? Then this meditation is for you. The music is tuned to the frequency of the female sexual vibrations and it resonates with the genital chakra of a woman. When the warm calming chords sound in background, your sweety starts feeling the unusual warmth in her private areas slowly growing into heat. The sexuality healing music lets her relax deeply and let go of all the blocks that were holding her back from jumping right into your arms demanding the body sexual pleasures only you can provide.

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The hypnotising vibrations soothe her and shift the focus of her attention to the primal body instead of the conscious mind. The sacred sexuality meditation liberates her from any limiting beliefs regarding her natural divine sexuality and the sexual needs of her body. The wet yoni frequency sets your desired woman free from any internal restriction and socially imposed prohibitions allowing her to accept the ancient call of her body letting you provide your body in order to gratify her wildest desires and deeply concealed sexual fantasies.

Composition number: 23091


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