Not a Candidate for LASIK? ICL Surgery May Be the Answer | Duke Health

Описание к видео Not a Candidate for LASIK? ICL Surgery May Be the Answer | Duke Health

Implantable collamer lens (ICL) surgery drastically changed Allison Parker’s life. Since age 10, she had relied on thick glasses or contacts to compensate for her severe nearsightedness. After being told she was not a candidate for LASIK surgery, she resigned herself to wearing corrective lenses for the rest of her life. Then a friend told her about ICL surgery at Duke. Today, Parker can see the world clearly -- without glasses or contact lenses -- and hopes others with nearsightedness can benefit from her experience.

00:00 Allison's story
00:20 What if I'm not a candidate for LASIK?
00:28 What is ICL?
01:15 How does ICL surgery work?
01:42 How soon does vision improve with ICL surgery?
02:22 What are the benefits of ICL surgery?


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