God-Tier Developer Roadmap

Описание к видео God-Tier Developer Roadmap

The programming iceberg is complete roadmap to the loved, hated, historical, and weird programming languages that you should now about. It starts with easy-to-learn coding tools, then descends into the most difficult low-level and esoteric languages.

Featuring C, C++, C#, F#, HolyC, C--, Java, JavaScript, Python, Rust, Fortran, Lisp, V, Nim, Zig, APL, Ada, COBOL, Haskell, Scala, Clojure, Kotlin, Swift, Lua, PHP, Elixir, Erlang, Chef, Malbolge, lolcode, emojicode, ASM and many more!

#programming #iceberg #learntocode

🔗 Resources

Programming Iceberg Meme   / 1562476800307261446  
History of Computer Languages https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History...
BrainF**K in 100 Seconds    • Brainf**k in 100 Seconds  
C in 100 Seconds    • C in 100 Seconds  

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🔖 Topics Covered

- History of Programming Languages
- Programming Humor Memes
- Developer Roadmap for 2022
- What are programming languages used for?
- Most popular programming languages
- Which language is best to learn to code?
- How many programming languages are there?


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