Ambient guitar looping: "Tillåtande"

Описание к видео Ambient guitar looping: "Tillåtande"

A piece written around the feeling of being permissive. To allow yourself to be and do good enough. It's okay. I myself fight with my inner perfectionist, but this time he didn't win.

This is a part of a project to portray different emotions through sounds and especially though my guitar since I am a guitarist. I might do differently later on. I've set some conditions for myself (I've heard limitations sparks creativity so I'm going to try that). These are:
- Every piece should be possible to play live
- Every piece should try to portray a certain feeling
- Use what gear you have. -ish
- Limit yourself to avoid perfectionism and spark creativity
- These are more guidelines than rules, aye!

Thank you for showing interest in my music!

#ambient #ambientmusic #ambientguitar #emotionalmusic #instrumental #instrumentalmusic #guitar #electricguitar #baritoneguitar


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