
Описание к видео 【美國YF-118G隱形戰鬥機】美國疑似掌握外星黑科技,51區最神秘武器,可躲過一切雷達探測,隱藏40年才現世

1992年,麥克唐納-道格拉斯公司於旗下的幽靈工廠開始了食肉鳥計劃。該計劃的名稱來自影集星艦迷航記中克林貢人的食肉鳥飛船。 1997年波音收購了麥克唐納-道格拉斯公司,該計劃也被移轉到波音繼續進行研發。 1996年,食肉鳥進行了首航。在食肉鳥計劃於1999年終止時,該機又進行了39次飛行。食肉鳥的外型設計可防止其產生陰影,可用於測試光學迷彩。這可能涉及改變其表面的顏色或亮度以融入周圍環境
In 1992, McDonald-Douglas was started with a furfith plan in its ghost factory. The name of the plan is from the studio cartoon boyfriend. In 1997, Boeing acquired McDonald-Douglas, which was also transferred to Boeing to continue research and development. In 1996, the carnivorous bird had a first flight. When the carnivorous bird plans to stop in 1999, the machine has carried out 39 flights. The outer design of the carnivorous bird prevents its shadows, which can be used to test optical camouflage. This may involve changing the color or brightness of its surface to integrate into the surrounding environment.


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