JALAN KAKI : Episode Pasar Beringharjo (Walking Around Yogyakarta, Indonesia) I 4K Binaural ASMR

Описание к видео JALAN KAKI : Episode Pasar Beringharjo (Walking Around Yogyakarta, Indonesia) I 4K Binaural ASMR

PASAR BERINGHARJO - Timestamp : Saturday, May 29, 2021 4:20PM

Pasar Beringharjo merupakan salah satu pusat ekonomi terbesar dan tertua yang ada di Yogyakarta. Terletak di Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani No. 16 Kelurahan Ngupasan, Kecamatan Gondomanan, Kota Yogyakarta, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Lokasi pasar ini berada di sebelah utara benteng Vredeburg. Bergaya arsitektur art deco yang merupakan perpaduan arsitektur tradisional Jawa dan arsitektur kolonial. Nama pasar tertulis di gerbangnya dengan huruf Latin dan Jawa. Mendapatkan julukan sebagai “Passer Op van Java”, yang berarti “pasar terindah di Jawa”.

Diresmikan oleh Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VIII, Beringharjo memiliki makna hutan beringin(bering) yang diharapkan dapat memberikan kesejahteraan (harjo). Nama Beringharjo sendiri dinilai tepat karena pohon beringin merupakan lambang kebesaran dan pengayoman bagi banyak orang. Pembangunan Pasar Beringharjo merupakan salah satu bagian dari rancang bangun pola tata kota Kesultanan Yogyakarta yang disebut Catur Tunggal. Pola tata kota ini mencakup empat hal yakni keraton sebagai pusat pemerintahan, alun-alun sebagai ruang publik, masjid sebagai tempat ibadah, dan pasar sebagai pusat transaksi ekonomi.


Beringharjo Market is one of the oldest economic centers in Yogyakarta. Located at Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani No. 16 Ngupasan Village, Gondomanan District, Yogyakarta City, Yogyakarta Special Region Province. The location of this market is to the north of the Vredeburg fort. Art deco architectural style which is a blend of traditional Javanese architecture and colonial architecture. The name of the market is written on the gate in Latin and Javanese letters. Earned the nickname "Passer Op van Java", which means "the most beautiful market in Java".

Inaugurated by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VIII, Beringharjo has the meaning of a banyan forest (bering) which is expected to provide prosperity (harjo). The name Beringharjo itself is considered appropriate because the banyan tree is a symbol of greatness and protection for many people. The construction of the Beringharjo Market is one part of the Yogyakarta Sultanate urban planning pattern called Catur Tunggal. This urban planning pattern includes four things, namely the palace as the center of government, the square as a public space, the mosque as a place of worship, and the market as a center for economic transactions.

Executive Producer
Yusron Fuadi Munandar Aji Anindita Suryarasmi Eka Noviandi

Alifia Luthfi
Saka Gilap Asa

Andrit Bachtiar

Dede Putra Firmansyah

about Jalan Kaki
Meaning “On Foot” in Bahasa Indonesia. We are a bunch of hyper active Yogyakarta-based young film maker who wanna capture the moment in times of specific place for generation to come, or those who also simply likes travelling and enjoy diversity. All footages are shot in CinemaDNG raw format for best possible dynamic range and color presentation. So, no, we’re not using a f******g action cam. Enjoy !!!!

Gear used :
Camera :BMPCC 4K + Samyang 14mm + Metabones Speedbooster
Audio : H4N + Roland CS-10EM Binaural Microphone
Editing n Grading : Da Vinci Resolve
Stabilizer : DJI Ronin S

Copyright @Akasacara Film
Visit www.akasacara.com for footage licensing, available in prores/dnxhr and original CinemaDNG


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