How NCIS Season 20 SAVED Parker's Ex-Wife..

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How NCIS Season 20 SAVED Parker's Ex-Wife..

Welcome back to Show Pop. As Season 20 opened, fans were desperate to see when and how Parker would figure out his ex-wife was a traitor. But Season 20, Episode 1, "A Family Matter" revealed that he had been suspicious of Vivian from the beginning. He got a hold of her burner phone and had Kasie and Jimmy trace who she was texting. To his relief, she wasn't in contact with The Raven. She was texting FBI Deputy Director Sweeney -- and she wasn't even going to turn Parker in to him, either.

Vivian was playing the Deputy Director and keeping the FBI off of their trail. That invalidated Season 19's cliffhanger and was a bit of a letdown to fans who were expecting something more dramatic. Having Parker discover that his ex was plotting to kill him with The Raven would have been a great storyline. However, the NCIS writers decided to take things in a different direction that didn't pay off as well. Check this video out!

#NCIS #NCISSeason20 #AFamilyMatter

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