Lomography Lomomatic 110 - Camera Review, Image Samples & A Brief History of 110! [Instant Review]

Описание к видео Lomography Lomomatic 110 - Camera Review, Image Samples & A Brief History of 110! [Instant Review]

Lomography has just released the Lomomatic 110, their finest 110 camera ever and possibly the most beautiful analog device to come out of the Lomo think tank. In this episode I run down a brief history of 110, then get into the nuts and bolts of this awesome new camera.

You can follow me on IG at instagram.com/the.instantgram and find us on Patreon here:   / inaninstantchannel  

Hot tip, you can find 110 dev reels at FilmStuffLab on Etsy: https://filmstufflab.etsy.com

All In An Instant reviews, including this one,
contain products provided by manufacturers
prior to release for review or testing purposes.

And, above all else, please for the love of gosh crank that that subscribe button. Grazie!

00:00 Cold Open
00:48 Lomomatic 110 First Look
01:17 Brief History of 110 Film
03:57 Lomography Rescues 110
05:10 Lomomatic Overview
05:53 Image Samples
06:12 The Lens
07:53 Exposure Settings
08:52 The Flash
09:55 Pros & Cons
11:53 Price


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