Krispi, Tahan Lama, Praktis! Resep Jamur Enoki Rp 7,000 Untuk 8 Porsi [Cocok Untuk Anak]

Описание к видео Krispi, Tahan Lama, Praktis! Resep Jamur Enoki Rp 7,000 Untuk 8 Porsi [Cocok Untuk Anak]

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00:00 : intro
01:49 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
06:53 : mulai memasak (start of cook)
13:26 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating (the dish is ready to plate and serve)


Enoki atau enokitake 榎 adalah jenis jamur yang sering digunakan di dalam masakan Jepang dan Korea. Kali ini aku akan share resep Jamur Enoki Krispi yang cocok dijadikan camilan maupun lauk. Bahannya ekonomis dan cara buatnya pun mudah. Cocok juga untuk anak sebagai alternatif gorengan yang lebih sehat.

Resep Tahu Cabai Garam:    • Kriuk Kriuk Pedas: Resep Tahu Cabai G...  

Resep Enoki Krispi

1 pack jamur enoki
1 telur
Garam, merica, kaldu jamur / penyedap sesuai selera

Tepung pelapis:
150 gr tepung terigu
150 gr tepung maizena
1 sdm bawang putih bubuk

5 siung bawang putih
10 buah cabai rawit
1-2 batang daun bawang
Gula halus
Cabai bubuk
Terigu dan maizena sisa pelapis enoki

1. Potong bagian akar jamur enoki, cuci bersih dan peras agar tidak ada kandungan air. Lalu keringkan menggunakan tisu
2. Siapkan wadah, masukkan telur, kaldu jamur, garam, dan merica. Aduk rata
3. Buat campuran tepung pelapis. Campurkan tepung terigu dan tepung maizena (perbandingan 1:1), tambahkan bawang putih bubuk lalu aduk rata
4. Masukkan jamur enoki ke telur, pastikan terlapisi sempurna. Pisahkan satu per satu agar tidak menggumpal
5. Masukkan jamur enoki ke campuran tepung pelapis sedikit demi sedikit agar tidak menggumpal
6. Sebelum digoreng, saring jamur enoki untuk mengurangi lapisan tepung yang berlebih
7. Goreng jamur enoki di minyak panas hingga kering. Jangan lupa diaduk agar tidak menggumpal
8. Iris bawang putih, cabai rawit, dan daun bawang. Masukkan ke dalam tepung, saring, lalu goreng hingga kering
9. Campurkan jamur enoki, bawang putih, cabai rawit, dan daun bawang yang sudah digoreng menjadi satu
10. Bumbui dengan garam, gula halus, kaldu jamur, dan cabai bubuk
11. Jamur Enoki Krispi siap disajikan

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Super Crunchy. Crispy Enoki Mushroom Recipe

Enoki or enokitake (榎) is a type of mushroom that's frequently used in Japanese and Korean cuisine. The shape is quite unique. They're small with slim, long stems. This time, I'm sharing a Crispy Enoki Mushroom recipe that's perfect as both a snack and a side dish. The ingredients are inexpensive and the methods are easy, too. Your children would love to have these as their meal's condiments.

Crispy Enoki Recipe

1 pack Enoki mushroom
1 egg
Salt, pepper, mushroom stock powder / flavor enhancers, to taste

Flour coating mix:
150 g all-purpose flour
150 g cornstarch
1 tbsp garlic powder

5 clove garlic
10 pc bird's eye chili
1-2 stalk leeks
Powdered sugar
Chili powder
The remaining flour coating mix

1. Remove the Enoki's roots. Rinse and squeeze the water out completely. Pat dry with a paper towel.
2. Prepare a bowl. Add the egg, mushroom stock powder, salt, and pepper. Mix well.
3. Make the flour coating mix. Combine the flour and cornstarch (ratio 1:1). Add the garlic powder and mix well.
4. Add the Enoki to the egg and make sure they're coated evenly. Separate the stems so they don't lump together.
5. Add the Enoki to the flour coating mix bit by bit to prevent lumps.
6. Before frying, sift the excess flour from the Enoki.
7. Fry the Enoki at high heat until crispy. Don't forget to stir so they don't stick together.
8. Slice the garlic, bird's eye chili, and leeks. Add them into the flour coating mix. Sift the excess and dry until crispy.
9. Combine the fried Enoki, garlic, bird's eye chili, and leeks.
10. Season with salt, powdered sugar, mushroom stock powder, and chili powder.
11. Crispy Enoki Mushroom is ready to serve.


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