Reviewing this SAFE Paramotor Wing for BEGINNERS!

Описание к видео Reviewing this SAFE Paramotor Wing for BEGINNERS!

We unbox, ground handle, and fly the beginner rated paramotor glider, the BGD Magic Motor. After days of researching the best beginner gliders for our school, we felt confident with our big purchase. Our #1 quality that we wanted in a paraglider is safety. It just so happens that this is also a beautiful glider that people can safely progress on while having a lot of fun.


00:00 - Brief Update on Getting Land
01:00 - Why This Glider???
02:15 - Unboxing
03:10 - Risers
04:12 - First Kiting Attempts
07:53 - FLYING

The glider shown in this video is 22.9 (23) meters and is classified as their "Medium Large" size. This glider received an EN-A rating, which is the safest rating that a paraglider can receive. It has a low aspect ratio, making it inherently stable, even in turbulent condition. Student are prone to making mistakes, like pulling both brakes at the same time too far, bringing the glider closer to the dangerous stall point. This glider is tolerant of beginner mistakes like that, which makes this amongst the best paragliders to learn on.

This paramotor glider has a short trim and speed system, so it doesn't fly as fast as gliders that receive a more advanced rating. The slower speeds make it a safer glider to start on.

One of the best flying traits that this glider has is ability to exit a spiral on its own, should a new pilot accidentally find themself in one. Other, more advanced gliders, often take input on the controls to get them to get out of the spiral. Best of all, banking hard doesn't cause the glider to pitch down towards the ground; I LOVE THIS! The glider has a slow rate of descent, even in sharp turns.

The cost is about average for gliders within this category: $3,600

The landing was slow and gentle when deep brake pull was applied just a few feet off the ground.

DEFINITELY recommend this paraglider to anyone starting out in paramotoring.


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