Vermintide 2 | Fortunes of War | Cataclysm | True Solo | Zealot

Описание к видео Vermintide 2 | Fortunes of War | Cataclysm | True Solo | Zealot

Well, this run was something else. Didn't have time for 10x assassin strat, so ended up using an extra fire bomb. Also had no idea the leech could let you go if something conflicted other than a monster push XD

I liked this run up until wave 7, then it just became a game of running. I wanted to play aggressive, but low ammo and just wanting to finish on wave 8 became the new goal. Was going to kill Chaos Warriors + bosses at the end, but decided to just finish and probably do another run one day? I much prefer playing with more players, 2p or more.

Used spawn tweaks instead of True Solo QoL to have regular monster damage just like official. This probably would've made things much easier but oh well, especially for the trolls and their annoying regen.

I am also new to Zealot, so if I were more used to him, this run probably wouldve went smoother, but oh well, its done XD.


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