Why Dungeon Masters Feel the Need to Have Everything Figured Out

Описание к видео Why Dungeon Masters Feel the Need to Have Everything Figured Out

As a Dungeon Master, have you ever felt the pressure to know everything, or at least make it SEEM like you do? It’s actually a very common feeling, and today we’re gonna talk about why!

Thanks so much to WorldAnvil for sponsoring this video! Visit https://www.worldanvil.com/supergeekmike and use the promo code SUPERGEEK to get 40% off any annual membership!

00:00 - The Assumption
01:00 - Running Adventures
02:52 - The DM Calls the Shots
03:45 - Summoning Spells
05:19 - A Word From Our Sponsors
06:49 - The DM Screen
07:58 - Leaning Into It
11:16 - Making Players Comfortable
13:42 - The DM is an Authority Figure
15:07 - Outro

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Mike Christensen
100 W. High St., #1326
Moorpark, CA 93021
PLEASE don't address things to "SupergeekMike"; I need to show I.D. when I pick up packages, and that isn't the name on my driver's license

Address for Letters:
Mike Christensen
P.O. Box 1326
Moorpark, CA 93020

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