6 Warning Signs of a Psychic Attack & How to Find if Someone Directs Their Negative Energy at You

Описание к видео 6 Warning Signs of a Psychic Attack & How to Find if Someone Directs Their Negative Energy at You

6 Warning Signs of a Psychic Attack & How to Find if Someone Directs Their Negative Energy at You.

Hi everyone,
Have you been experiencing constant bad luck? Do you run into odd situations? Or, maybe you simply don't feel like yourself recently? Maybe it's not a coincidence. Maybe you're under attack! And it's not just a regular attack - but a psychic attack.

Now, I'll be telling you what a psychic attack is. I'll also show how to notice if someone is directing their negative energy at you through these six warning signs I'm going to tell you in this video.

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"Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking" by Susan Cain :

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