Horace x Shift - Incredere | Audio

Описание к видео Horace x Shift - Incredere | Audio

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"Incredere" Download / Streaming:
iTunes: https://geo.itunes.apple.com/at/album...
Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/4YyEFaK...

Piesa extrasa de pe Ep-ul “Horace x Shift - Etajul 1”.


Concerte Shift:
Marius China | +40.723.315.180 | [email protected]

Management & Press:
Vlad Parvulescu - +40.720.340.290 | [email protected]

Follow SHIFT:
INSTA:   / shiftbby  
FB:   / shift.midiots  
Spotify: http://smarturl.it/ShiftOfficialSpotify
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/iTunesShiftOfficial

Follow HORACE:
Instagram:   / itshorace  
Facebook: www.facebook.com/horaceoficial

#horace #shift #incredere

Muzica si Text: Shift, Horace, Liviu Teodorescu
Productie: Enri Demi, RunnixIsFuture, Shift @MidiotsProduction
Chitari: Andrei Iorga

Mix: Shift, Enri Demi, Max Kissaru
Master: Max Kissaru

Artwork: Alexandru Sinc - Graphic Designer

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