House Atreides - High Will of Paul Atreides (Na-Baron versus mix)

Описание к видео House Atreides - High Will of Paul Atreides (Na-Baron versus mix)

* The cover depicts a knife fight between Paul Atreides and Feyd Rautha Harkonnen. Frame from the movie Dune (1984) by David Lynch

** Bits and samples taken from Google Play Groovepad: Phenom - album Modern Hip Hop

Paul Atreides was not the only contender for the Kwisatz Haderach title. Feyd Rautha Harkonnen, the na-baron of the House Harkonnen and also Paul's cousin, who like him was the result of the Bene Gesserit mating program, had an equal potential with him, whose sisters hoped that as a result of crossing the representatives of these two families, they would succeed get Kwisatz Haderach controlled by their will. But one of the sisters of the order, Lady Jessica, disregarded the instructions of the order and gave birth to a son instead of a daughter from duke Leto Atreides. Given the enmity between the two families, the order's centuries-old plan could collapse if one of the families' heirs died. Along with this, ahead of schedule, Paul developed the ability to foresight and thus became Kwisatz Haderach himself. Feyd Rautha did not have the same abilities as Paul, but he had all the makings to acquire them - he was hardy, had excellent physical and mental capabilities and like any Harkonnen, possessed excessive ambition, cunning and cruelty. It was for these qualities baron Vladimir Harkonnen appointed him heir (na-baron) and forgave his assassin's attempt. At the Battle of Arrakeen, after the assassination of the baron and the death of brother Rabban, Feyd became head of House Harkonnen and volunteered to defend the honor of the imperial throne in a knife fight with Paul Atreides. In the deadly duel, Feyd Rautha came very close to victory, but he was ultimately impaled by Paul's fremen blade. With the death of Feyd, the Harkonnen no longer have heirs, as a result of which the House ceases to exist and only one Kwisatz Haderach remains - Paul Atreides.


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