Забота оператора о своей семье-инвалиде: Мохаммед и Наргес навещают его

Описание к видео Забота оператора о своей семье-инвалиде: Мохаммед и Наргес навещают его

This is an interesting story! Narges and her two daughters, who live in the mountains, seem to take care of the operator who is connected to them. When the operator suddenly became upset and explained the reason to Narges, Narges, Mohammad and the children decided to support him and help him. When they visited the operator's family and saw the young man who had an accident, they probably felt sad and moved. This shows that Narges, Mohammad and their two daughters are good friends and support each other at all times. This story shows that in difficult times, the presence and support of family and friends is very valuable.

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