Civic Action Tales - Diana Monsberger - Blivande

Описание к видео Civic Action Tales - Diana Monsberger - Blivande

"The biggest step is noticing that you as an individual can contribute towards change."

I am Diana Monsberger, a creative connector, researcher, community builder, and cross-sectorial pollinator. My activism focuses on connecting communities and individuals in the city by creating a 'plus-sum center' where organizations, individuals, and initiatives cooperate in synergy. Together with my best friends, I drive the innovation Hub Blivande in Stockholm.

Compared to other places in the world, Sweden is a safe and affluent country. However, a large portion of society struggles with loneliness. It has one of the highest rates of single households globally, and newcomers to Stockholm, or Sweden in general, often find it challenging to form meaningful connections and friendships. This isn’t due to a lack of kindness, but rather because the pace and depth at which friendships are developed is slower than in many other places, and it is also a more reserved and shy society. As a result, Blivande is attracting many people arriving in Stockholm, as well as those who are eager to build connections and create a sense of community.

We live in systems that shape how we act and conduct ourselves. It can be difficult to realize that by stepping slightly outside the norm, we can shift these systems and contribute to societal innovation. Sweden is gradually evolving, with people increasingly craving more openness and interaction. Blivande responds to this need by bringing together individuals from different sectors through its core areas: coworking space, makerspace, and the container village that hosts ateliers and small enterprises.

In addition to being a meeting hub, we enable civic action by making our space available during crises. With the privilege of a physical space, we can offer engaged individuals a place to gather and work on civic projects. During COVID, we produced over 20,000 protective gowns for healthcare workers. When the war in Ukraine began, community member Rasmus Kasurinen started a hub for Ukrainians, which still serves as a center for culture for Ukrainian children.

People often underestimate their ability to create change and manifest their dreams in cities and public spaces. It only takes a few determined individuals, hard work, and passion to shape society for the better. My vision for Blivande is to secure our space and container area as a permanent part of the city, blending creativity and culture into the urban landscape. This project represents a shift towards greater societal flexibility in Sweden, which is essential for resilience in the face of challenges like climate change and political instability. I believe we have a real chance of making this dream a reality.

This Project is funded by the European Union.


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