Different types of fertility treatment. || Dr. Parinaaz Parhar || Oasis Fertility

Описание к видео Different types of fertility treatment. || Dr. Parinaaz Parhar || Oasis Fertility

Watch the Session on "Different types of fertility treatment." By Dr.Parinaaz Parhar consultant and fertility specialist at Oasis Fertility.

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About Oasis Fertility:
Oasis Fertility is a comprehensive healthcare provider with specific attention to infertility treatments. Oasis is a ‘one-stop’ single-day care clinic where consultation, investigation, and treatment are taken care of during the course of a single day. We also take immense pride in our strict adherence to standards and quality. Oasis is an ISO 2001- Certified organization and diligently follows the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) guidelines. Oasis is also a member of The American Society for Reproductive Medicine and The Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India. Oasis is a unit of the entity Sadguru Healthcare Services Pvt Ltd., which aims to offer state of art services in the Indian healthcare industry by leveraging the latest technologies coupled with proven, evidence-based international medical practices.

To know more about Oasis Fertility visit: https://oasisindia.in​

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