How to add Google Adsense to Wordpress -

Описание к видео How to add Google Adsense to Wordpress -

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How to add Google Adsense to Wordpress
This video was created to help you understand the different ways to add Google Adsense to your Wordpress website. I have two main ways that I prefer to add Adsense to my Wordpress websites and I cover them in-depth in this video.
0:25 Intro
01:15 – The different ways to add Adsense to your Wordpress website
01:35 – A warning of what not to do
02:30 – FOR WEBSITES THAT ALREADY HAVE TRAFFIC – This is how you can add adsense and test things prior to rolling out adsense to your entire website
04:08 – What ad units do I recommend on Adsense?
04:55 – Why I don’t use Auto Ads on Adsense
05:15 – How I create a Display Ad on Adsense for manual insertion on top 5-10 pages
06:00 – Why you should never use a fixed ad size
10:00 – Make sure you are always in the HTML code editor, NOT the WYSIWYG editor of Wordpress
10:55 – How to add Adsense ad units in bulk with a Wordpress plugin
11:15 – FOR ALL WEBSITES – I recommend that you use the free Ad Inserter plugin
12:10 – Intro to Ad Inserter Plugin
17:34 – How Many Ad Units Should I place on the page?
18:05 – Free Course Offer – How to Create an Authority Website

How to add Google Adsense to Wordpress:    • How to add Google Adsense to Wordpres...  

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