Benefits of Online Lessons During Covid

Описание к видео Benefits of Online Lessons During Covid

Online music lessons on guitar, bass, ukulele, or really any instrument is an effective tool for maintaining your personal sanity and safety during the Covid crisis. Avoiding this virus is at the front of all our minds as we each do our part to keep ourselves, our loved ones, and neighbors safe as we shelter in place.

There are some very real secondary symptoms of sheltering in place that I would like to talk about in this video. I suspect, that like myself, you have been dealing with them as well. It’s my strong belief that artistic/creative activities, such as online music lessons, can be a huge help for your personal wellness and peace of mind during these unprecedented times.

I want to invite you to contact me if you have been thinking about taking online music lessons and have questions or would just like some initial information on how to get started. Thank you for watching this rather comedic, low-budget video. I hope it gives you a chuckle and inspires you to live large and learn something new!


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