enableHR Online Performance Review (OPR)

Описание к видео enableHR Online Performance Review (OPR)

If your business is serious about the effective management of people performance and boosting your bottom line, then enableHR’s Online Performance Review (OPR) module is the solution.

OPR allows businesses to gain a high level view of how the company is tracking against business goals with a fraction of the paperwork.  Quick and easy access to workforce performance data such as employee ratings, averages and trends empowers you to optimise your workforce and make informed strategic decisions in relation to the development of your staff – your greatest asset!

Powered by enableHR's Self Service platform (   • enableHR Employee Self Service (eSS)  ), our OPR module is mobile friendly making it the perfect tool to ensure effective employee participation. Workforce engagement is enhanced as both the Assessor and Assessee are guided through a streamlined online review process that is specific to job types where your workers can easily exchange feedback on performance, gain direction and identify development objectives for the future.  

Dramatically reducing the time and paperwork typically spent on conducting manual performance reviews, with OPR HR Managers now have the time to ACT on the results!

Want to know more? Please contact the Client Experience at [email protected] or on 1300 453 514 for Australia or 0800 236 2253 for New Zealand.


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