Cooking family bread: sweet moments with Tobi.

Описание к видео Cooking family bread: sweet moments with Tobi.

Hello dear viewers who follow our channel

You will see in this video

Baking bread is one of the traditional and pleasant activities that can be done as an enjoyable family experience. In the following, I will explain the steps of baking bread by Toubi with the help of his family:

▎ Necessary materials:
- flour (usually wheat flour)
- Water
- Salt
- Yeast (if needed)
- Sugar (optional)
- oil (optional)

▎Steps of baking bread:

1. Preparation of raw materials:
- Tubi can pour the flour in a big bowl with the help of his family.
- Then, add salt and yeast to the flour and mix everything well.

2. Adding liquids:
- In a separate container, heat the water and add some sugar and oil if desired.
- Gradually add the liquid to the flour mixture and mix with hand or spoon until the dough is formed.

3. Kneading the dough:
- Place the dough on a clean surface and knead for 10 to 15 minutes until it becomes smooth and uniform.
- At this stage, family members can knead the dough in turn to make the work go faster.

4. Resting the dough:
- Put the dough in a greased bowl and cover it with a cloth to rest for about 1 to 2 hours until its volume doubles.

5. Shaping the bread:
- After resting, knead the dough slowly and then divide it into desired sizes.
- Cut each piece into desired shape (round, rectangle or...) and put it on the oven tray.

6. Baking bread:
- Preheat the oven (usually at a temperature of 180 to 220 degrees Celsius).
- Put the breads in the oven and cook for 20 to 30 minutes until they are golden and cooked.

7. Serving bread:
- After baking, remove the breads from the oven and let them cool a little.
- Can serve bread with butter, honey or any other food.

▎Final points:
- This activity not only enhances cooking skills but is also an opportunity to create shared memories and strengthen family relationships.
- Toubi can talk to family members about different ways of baking bread and share his experiences.

With this method, Toubi can prepare delicious and homemade bread and spend a good time with his family!

Stay with us until the end of the video

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