Myopia & it's Control I Myopia Control Options I Myopia Pandemic & Prevention

Описание к видео Myopia & it's Control I Myopia Control Options I Myopia Pandemic & Prevention

Hello Viewers!
I am Optometrist Abhinav Maharwal your Vision Therapist and Eye Care Coach and topic for this video is
“Myopia Pandemic” and “How we can diffuse the Myopia Time Bomb”.

• Myopia or nearsightedness is a condition in which patient starts seeing blur for distance. This condition is now becoming more prevalent than ever and it increases the risk of retinal damage through retinal degeneration, retinal detachment & aggravate several other visual issues leading up-to blindness.
• Now it is affecting more and more young children.
• By analyzing the current trend it is predicted that by year 2050 more than half of the population of the world would be myopic and recent studies done in India also predict the same for India which is very alarming.
• If we see now Myopia is one of the leading cause of blindness in countries like China, Korea and Japan

So this video emphasizes on the need of the hour to take necessary steps to Diffuse this Myopia Bomb with the active participation of Parents as well as eye care providers.

Further it is described the 4 major causes of myopia progression and Available Options of Myopia Control currently in India and world.

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Myopia Control Options Discussed in this video include:
#Atropine for Myopia Control
#MiSight Contact Lens
#Bifocals & Progressives for Myopia
#DIMS lenses for Myopia
#Vision Therapy for Myopia Control

Finally speaker sums up the session by sharing 5 Important Mantra’s for parents to reduce myopia progression in myopic kids or to avoid glasses in currently non myopic kids.

Speaker Details:
Name: Optometrist Abhinav Maharwal
Clinic: The Eye Destination , Jaipur.
Email: [email protected]
To book an appointment / to know more : visit
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• Research article of Bhavin Shah published in The Ophthalmologist magazine published on 20/02/2019.
• Time trends on the prevalence of myopia in India – A prediction model for 2050 by Jacinth J Priscilla and Pavan K Verkicharla at LVPEI Hyderabad. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics Journal ISSN 0275-5408. Published on 04/09/2020.


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