Ya Ilahi har jaga (Supplication in English/Urdu) by Mawlana Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen

Описание к видео Ya Ilahi har jaga (Supplication in English/Urdu) by Mawlana Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen

This poem is from a category called munajaat - a poem in praise of Allah almighty seeking His help. Imam Ahmad Raza Al-Qadri Rahimahullah asks for the help and mercy of Allah tk through this poem.Each verse begins with the word "ya ilaahi" which mean "0 my Lord." An interesting analysis of this poem is that both lines from each verse oppose each other in one or more ways; generally a problem is presented in the first line and its answer is sought in the second, but the choice of language is very skilful and beautiful. For example, if difficulty is mentioned in the first line, ease is mentioned in the second; if night and darkness are mentioned in the first line, day and light are mentioned in the second; if scary imagery is used in the first line, beautiful imagery appears in the second, and so on.

The poem takes us on a journey from death, through the grave and onto the plains where the reckoning will take place on the Day of Judgement.

O Allah, wherever I go, let your mercy be with me
O Allah, if I should stumble, let the Prophet rescue me

- Extract from “Naat for a new generation” by Mawlana Naveed Sialvi Hafizahullah


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