Poured Acrylic painting GLUE POURING MEDIUM TUTORIAL #1 by Maigan Lynn

Описание к видео Poured Acrylic painting GLUE POURING MEDIUM TUTORIAL #1 by Maigan Lynn

I find I get asked these questions A LOT - "How do you mix your pouring medium?", "How do you mix your paints?", "How do you consistently do a galaxy pour??" So I thought I would do a series of tutorials to help answer some of these questions. Please keep in mind that these are just my own personal methods of doing things - it's not written in stone and if it doesn't work for you then thats totally ok - there are hundreds of different pouring tutorial videos out there and hundreds of different artists who do it differently than I do.
The first tutorial is how I mix my pouring medium. I use either Glue-All or ModgePodge - either one is fine - and I mix 2/3 glue to 1/3 water and I shake like crazy. That's it! I came across this method when I was first learning and it's always been my favorite. Keep in mind that I'm more drawn to mediums that will allow for a variance in cell size and structure as well as texture. For me, the busier, the better! Which is part of the reason I do love working with the glue.
I generally mix a bunch of the pouring medium at once. If there's any left at the end, as long as the container is covered, it' keeps. I've only on very few instances had to deal with 'string' in the mix but it was because some of the parts that dried at the top had fallen in.

Please subscribe so you can check back for my next tutorial: How I mix my paints.

I'll be adding new videos every Monday and Thursday so don't forget to give me a Like, SUBSCRIBE, and leave a comment to let me know what you think! Feel free to ask any questions as well!

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